
109 Prompt Bing Image Creator Untuk Membuat Gambar

prompt bing image

Bing Image Creator Prompt

Bing creator image prompt, didukung oleh DALL-E milik OpenAI, adalah alat inovatif yang menghasilkan gambar AI berdasarkan teks pemicu.

Prompt untuk Bing create image

Dalam posting ini, kita akan menjelajahi apa itu Pembuat Gambar Bing, bagaimana penggunaannya, detail peluncurannya, dan tips untuk menulis pemicu yang lebih baik. Terakhir, kita akan memberikan daftar komprehensif dan canggih dari 100 pemicu gambar untuk menginspirasi kreativitasmu.

Bing Image Generate

Diluncurkan oleh Microsoft, Pembuat Gambar Bing adalah alat yang kuat yang memungkinkan pengguna menghasilkan gambar AI menggunakan pemicu teks.

Dengan memasukkan teks deskriptif, AI akan menghasilkan serangkaian gambar yang sesuai dengan deskripsi yang diberikan.

Untuk memulai, kunjungi bing.com/create, di mana Anda dapat mendaftar untuk akun Microsoft baru atau masuk ke akun yang sudah ada.Pengguna baru akan menerima 25 generasi yang ditingkatkan untuk Pembuat Gambar.

Menulis prompt yang Lebih Baik untuk Bing create image

Untuk menghasilkan gambar yang menakjubkan dengan Pembuat Gambar Bing, penting untuk memberikan pemicu yang rinci dan kreatif. Bing menyarankan untuk menggunakan kombinasi kata sifat, kata benda, kata kerja, dan gaya untuk membuat pemicu yang lebih efektif.

Panduan prompt Bing create image

Kata Sifat (Bulu-bulu) + Kata Benda (makhluk) + Kata Kerja (memakai kacamata) + Gaya (seni digital)

Kata Sifat (contohnya, Bulu-bulu)

Kata Benda (contohnya, makhluk)

Kata Kerja (contohnya, memakai kacamata)

Gaya (contohnya, seni digital)

Semakin spesifik dan imajinatif pemicu Anda, semakin baik gambar yang dihasilkan oleh AI akan sesuai dengan visi Anda.

Anda dapat memeriksa panduan ini untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang cara menulis prompt generasi gambar yang lebih baik.

109 prompt Gambar AI yang Bisa Digunakan di Bing create image

No Prompt

1 Futuristic, cityscape, reflecting sunset, concept art

2 Ancient, Egyptian temple, adorned with hieroglyphs, photorealistic

3 Friendly, robot, serving coffee, 3D render

4 Surreal, underwater garden, filled with glowing plants, digital painting

5 Steampunk, airship, soaring above forest, CGI

6 Haunted, Victorian mansion, shrouded in fog, gothic art

7 Abstract, geometric pattern, illuminated in neon colors, vector design

8 Cyberpunk, city street, bustling with neon signs, matte painting

9 Majestic, mountain range, basking in sunrise, landscape photography

10 Minimalist, black and white, architectural design, 3D render

11 Vibrant, tropical beach, dotted with palm trees, watercolor painting

12 Enchanted, forest, teeming with magical creatures, fantasy art

13 Solar system, planets, orbiting in alignment, educational illustration

14 Retro, diner, surrounded by vintage cars, 1950s Americana

15 Serene, Japanese Zen garden, featuring a koi pond, ink drawing

16 Realistic, portrait, depicting a historical figure, oil painting

17 Whimsical, hot air balloon festival, floating above landscape, digital art

18 Colorful, graffiti, adorning urban street, street photography

19 Post-apocalyptic, wasteland, strewn with abandoned vehicles, concept art

20 Art Deco-inspired, interior design, showcasing elegance, 3D visualization

21 Satirical, political cartoon, highlighting current events, hand-drawn illustration

22 Dreamy, galaxy, swirling with stars, space art

23 Modern, geometric, animal design, vector illustration

24 Snowy, mountain village, nestled near cozy cabin, holiday card

25 Energetic, sports action scene, capturing motion, dynamic painting

26 Gothic, cathedral, bathed in moonlight, detailed sketch

27 Psychedelic, spiral pattern, pulsating with color, digital art

28 Whimsical, fairytale castle, perched on a hill, watercolor illustration

29 Rustic, wooden cabin, enveloped by autumn foliage, oil painting

30 Sleek, futuristic car, zooming down highway, CGI render

31 Elegant, ballroom dance, frozen in time, digital painting

32 Vintage, train station, bustling with passengers, sepia-toned photograph

33 Extravagant, fireworks display, illuminating night sky, long-exposure photography

34 Detailed, world map, highlighting topography, educational illustration

35 Serene, butterfly garden, filled with colorful blooms, nature photography

36 Elaborate, steampunk clockwork, showcasing intricate gears, 3D render

37 Whimsical, woodland creatures, engaged in tea party, children’s book illustration

38 Atmospheric, jazz club, alive with music, noir-style painting

39 Action-packed, superhero battle, set in cityscape, comic book style

40 Ornate, stained glass window, depicting religious scene, vector design

41 Tranquil, mountain lake, reflecting surrounding peaks, landscape painting

42 Mythical, dragon, perched atop treasure hoard, fantasy art

43 Futuristic, space station, orbiting distant planet, concept art

44 Majestic, medieval knight, riding into battle, photorealistic painting

45 Intricate, mandala pattern, incorporating floral elements, digital art

46 Ai Image Prompts

47 Realistic, wildlife scene, showcasing a lion pride, nature photography

48 Vintage, film noir poster, featuring femme fatale, graphic design

49 Nostalgic, 1980s arcade, filled with neon lights, digital painting

50 Tranquil, desert landscape, featuring blooming cacti, watercolor illustration

51 Majestic, eagle, soaring through a mountainous landscape, oil painting

52 Modern, abstract sculpture, casting dramatic shadows, 3D render

53 Playful, underwater scene, filled with marine life, children’s book illustration

54 Mystical, celestial map, charting constellations, antique-style engraving

55 Dramatic, stormy seascape, with a lighthouse in the distance, acrylic painting

56 Atmospheric, abandoned factory, overtaken by nature, urban exploration photography

57 Vibrant, New Orleans street, filled with musicians, digital art

58 Intense, gladiator duel, set in ancient Rome, historical painting

59 Tranquil, aerial view, showcasing a winding river, landscape photography

60 Futuristic, cyborg, pondering its existence, concept art

61 Dazzling, northern lights, dancing across the night sky, long-exposure photograph

62 Quaint, European village, decorated for the holidays, watercolor painting

63 Action-packed, medieval jousting tournament, detailed illustration

64 Elegant, Art Nouveau-inspired, floral pattern, vector design

65 Serene, bamboo forest, shrouded in mist, ink drawing

66 Vibrant, tropical rainforest, teeming with wildlife, nature photography

67 Surreal, melting clock, inspired by Salvador Dali, digital painting

68 Charming, English countryside, featuring a thatched cottage, oil painting

69 Atmospheric, film noir cityscape, shrouded in shadow, digital art

70 Intricate, Celtic knot pattern, featuring animal motifs, vector design

71 Lush, botanical garden, filled with exotic plants, landscape painting

72 Dynamic, martial arts duel, set in a temple, action illustration

73 Futuristic, Mars colony, showcasing human settlement, concept art

74 Whimsical, mermaid lagoon, filled with colorful coral, digital painting

75 Atmospheric, pirate ship, sailing under a full moon, acrylic painting

76 Serene, water lily pond, inspired by Monet, impressionist art

77 Dynamic, space battle, featuring futuristic spacecraft, CGI render

78 Stylized, geometric cityscape, reflecting in water, vector illustration

79 Eerie, haunted forest, shrouded in fog, gothic art

80 Realistic, anatomical illustration, showcasing the human heart, medical drawing

81 Bing Image Creator Prompts

82 Lush, terraced rice fields, glowing at sunset, landscape photography

83 Dramatic, volcanic eruption, showcasing lava flows, nature painting

84 Whimsical, treehouse village, nestled in a magical forest, fantasy art

85 Minimalist, black and white, ink wash landscape, inspired by traditional Chinese art

86 Atmospheric, film noir detective, investigating a crime scene, digital painting

87 Dynamic, breakdancing competition, capturing motion, urban art

88 Surreal, floating city, set against a starry sky, concept art

89 Elegant, ballet performance, frozen in a graceful pose, photorealistic painting

90 Intricate, macrame wall hanging, showcasing knotwork patterns, textile art

91 Vibrant, street market, bustling with activity, travel photography

92 Steampunk, mechanical dragon, soaring through the sky, 3D render

93 Serene, Monet-inspired water lily pond, reflecting the sky, impressionist painting

94 Majestic, phoenix, rising from the ashes, fantasy art

95 Action-packed, car chase, set in a futuristic city, CGI render

96 Stylized, tribal pattern, incorporating animal motifs, vector design

97 Vintage, World War II-era aircraft, soaring through the clouds, historical illustration

98 Modern, cubist-inspired, portrait of a famous musician, digital painting

99 Eerie, ghostly apparition, haunting an old mansion, gothic art

100 Serene, mountainous landscape, featuring a crystal-clear lake, oil painting

101 Surreal, M.C. Escher-inspired, impossible staircase, digital art

102 Atmospheric, abandoned asylum, overtaken by shadows, urban exploration photography

103 Realistic, tiger, stalking its prey, wildlife painting

104 Elaborate, Persian rug pattern, showcasing intricate designs, textile art

105 Dynamic, soccer match, capturing a decisive goal, sports illustration

106 Tranquil, lavender field, bathed in sunlight, landscape photography

107 Elegant, Art Nouveau-inspired, female portrait, digital painting

108 Whimsical, candy land, filled with sugary treats, children’s book illustration

109 Dynamic, motorcycle race, set on a winding track, CGI render

Tulis prompt Anda di bilah penulisan prompt, lalu pilih buat. Anda akan diberikan 4 gambar berdasarkan prompt Anda dan jangan khawatir jika Anda kehabisan peningkatan. Anda masih dapat membuat gambar tetapi akan menghasilkan sedikit lebih lambat.

Coba juga "Buat kejutan" jika Anda tidak tahu prompt apa yang ingin Anda gunakan di pembuat gambar Bing.

Dengan 107 prompt ini, Anda memiliki beragam inspirasi untuk menghasilkan gambar fantastis menggunakan Bing create image.

Padukan kata sifat, kata benda, kata kerja, dan gaya untuk membuat prompt unik Anda sendiri dan melepaskan potensi penuh generate gambar yang didukung oleh kecerdasan buatan ini.
