
Recognize the 7 Causes of High Blood Sediment Rate

Recognize the 7 Causes of High Blood Sediment Rate

High blood sedimentation rates can be caused by inflammation or infection in the body. Not only that, there are also several conditions that can affect the sedimentation rate of blood in the body.

The sedimentation rate can be determined by examining the sedimentation rate. This examination is done by measuring how quickly the red blood cells clot or settle to the bottom of the tube within 1 hour.

When inflammation occurs, abnormal protein levels will increase, causing blood to precipitate more quickly. Meanwhile, to ascertain the cause that causes the high sedimentation rate, other supporting examinations are needed.

Various Causes of High Blood Sedimentation Rate

The following are some conditions that can cause high blood sedimentation rates:

1. Old age

Blood sedimentation rate can increase with age. This is related to the presence of diseases that are usually experienced by the elderly. Therefore, further examination is needed to ascertain what is the cause of the increased sedimentation rate.

2. Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a condition that can increase the erythrocyte sedimentation rate without inflammation. This is because during pregnancy there is an increase in blood volume and a decrease in blood protein or hemoglobin. These conditions can affect the speed of deposition of red blood cells.

3. Anemia

The sedimentation rate of blood can also be affected by the number, volume, and shape of red blood cells. People who lack blood or anemia will show a high level of blood sedimentation rate. This is because anemia can cause a decrease in the number of red blood cells.

4. Infection

An increase in the sedimentation rate can occur due to infection, such as bone infection, heart infection, skin infection, or tuberculosis. This was proven in more than 90% of cases of bone infection or osteomyelitis which showed an increase in the sedimentation rate.

Infection is related to the sedimentation rate of the blood because when the body is infected inflammation will occur due to bacteria or viruses, so that the abnormal protein levels in the blood increase and accelerate the settling of red blood cells in test tubes.

5. Autoimmune disease

In people with autoimmune diseases, there is an increase in inflammation in the body so that the level of blood sedimentation rate increases. Therefore, this examination can be used to monitor the condition of people with autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.

6. Cancer

An increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate can also be a sign of cancer, because the presence of cancer cells can stimulate an immune response to increase inflammation in the blood. This is what makes red blood cells settle faster.

However, this still requires further examination to determine whether the increase in the sedimentation rate is caused by cancer or other causes.

7. Blood flow disorders

Interrupted blood flow, for example due to narrowing, injury, or blockage in blood vessels, can also increase the sedimentation rate of blood. However, the increased sedimentation rate alone is not strong enough to establish the diagnosis of some of these diseases.

The doctor will adjust to the symptoms experienced by the patient, such as heavy bleeding, numbness in certain parts of the body, weakness on one side of the body, chest pain like being crushed by a heavy weight, or fainting.

When the results of the sedimentation rate are high, the doctor will perform a thorough physical examination and additional tests to determine the cause of the inflammation. If the inflammation is caused by an infection, especially bacteria, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics.

Meanwhile, to treat inflammation, the dosage and duration of using several types of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or corticosteroid therapy must be determined by a doctor.

High blood sedimentation rates can indeed be a sign of inflammation or infection. However, if the results cross a few normal limits, it could be influenced by a number of reasonable factors, such as drug use, pregnancy, and menstruation.

Therefore, if you do a blood test and the results show a high blood sedimentation rate, try to consult a doctor to find out the cause. If needed, the doctor will carry out further examinations and provide treatment according to the cause.
