
Happy Five is not as good as its name, let's recognize the dangers

Happy Five is not as good as its name, let's recognize the dangers

The dangers of consuming happy five are often ignored by its users. In fact, even though the name is happy five, the effect that appears is far from the word Happy, you know. On the other hand, consumption of happy five can cause a number of physical and psychological complaints, which can lead to the death of the user.

Happy five is a class IV psychotropic drug that contains the substance nimetazepam. Actually, legally this benzodiazepine class of drugs can be prescribed for the treatment of severe insomnia. In addition, the happy five is also used in the treatment of panic disorder and severe anxiety disorder.

Doctors usually prescribe happy five so that patients are calmer. So, because of this calming effect, many trade this drug illegally and not according to prescriptions and doctor's recommendations. As a result, instead of being calm, addiction and a number of other dangers can arise.

Danger of Happy Five

Happy five can be addictive and have a number of side effects. Therefore, this drug can only be consumed if there are certain health conditions and must be under the supervision of a doctor. A number of dangers and side effects below can occur due to the use of happy five:

1. Dizziness and fatigue

Consumption of happy five can cause side effects of dizziness. In fact, users can feel very tired when consuming happy five, even though they are not doing strenuous activities. This condition can eventually interfere with daily activities.

2. Excessive sleepiness

The relaxing effect that is felt after consuming happy five can be accompanied by excessive drowsiness, you know. This happens because this drug works by suppressing the activity of the central nervous system, so it can cause drowsiness.

3. Difficulty moving the body

Drugs belonging to the benzodiazepine class can work as muscle relaxants, and happy five is no exception. The effect of excessive muscle relaxation can make the muscles of the body and face weaken and consequently interfere with movement.

This can trigger several conditions, for example ataxia, which is movement disorder due to loss of control over the muscles of the limbs, or dysarthria, which is speech disorder due to disturbances in the facial and tongue muscles.

4. Emotional numbness or emotional numbness

Even though it can make the body feel calm, consumption of happy five can cause its users to experience emotional numbness. This condition makes the user unable to feel and express his own emotions.

5. Decreased concentration and focus

Because it can make you calmer, happy five is also believed to improve concentration and focus. In fact, in fact, this drug will actually reduce the brain's ability to process information and even make it difficult for users to concentrate and lose focus easily.

Not only that, a decrease in the ability to remember to an increased risk of developing dementia is also a side effect and danger due to addiction to drugs belonging to the benzodiazepine class, such as happy five.

6. Overdose

When experiencing addiction, a person will be more at risk of experiencing an overdose. The condition occurs when a person takes the drug in excess of the dose the body can accept.

Happy five overdose can be marked by several symptoms, ranging from difficulty breathing or even fast, anxiety (agitation), extreme mood disturbances, uncontrolled eye movements (nystagmus), hallucinations, amnesia, and hypotension.

7. Coma

Consumption of happy five in high doses, especially in the long term, can trigger other harmful effects, namely loss of consciousness, coma, and even death.

If consumed by pregnant women, happy five can cause babies to be born with low birth weight, breathing problems, muscle weakness, to an increased risk of preterm labor.

That is the danger that can occur due to consumption of happy five. How? Not as happy as his name, right? In fact, the side effects that appear are almost similar to conditions when someone is addicted to alcohol or abuses drugs.

People who are addicted to happy five cannot control and refrain from consuming this drug excessively. So, so that the danger can be prevented, don't ever try happy five if it's not recommended by the doctor, OK?
