
Average Health Insurance Cost By Age

Average Health Insurance Cost By Age


Health insurance is essential to protect your finances in case of any medical emergency or illness. However, the cost of health insurance varies significantly depending on your age, location, health status, and other factors. In this article, we will discuss the average health insurance cost by age and factors affecting it.

Average Health Insurance Cost by Age:

The average health insurance cost by age is influenced by several factors, including the type of plan, location, and age group. According to eHealth's health insurance price index report, the average cost of health insurance for an individual in 2021 was $452 per month, while the average cost for a family was $1,152 per month.

Here's a breakdown of average health insurance cost by age group based on data from eHealth's health insurance price index report:

  • Age 18-24: $174 per month for an individual plan
  • Age 25-34: $227 per month for an individual plan
  • Age 35-44: $289 per month for an individual plan
  • Age 45-54: $402 per month for an individual plan
  • Age 55-64: $543 per month for an individual plan

Factors Affecting Average Health Insurance Cost by Age:

Type of Plan:

The type of health insurance plan you choose significantly affects the cost of health insurance. For example, a high deductible plan has lower monthly premiums but higher out-of-pocket costs, while a low deductible plan has higher monthly premiums but lower out-of-pocket costs.


Health insurance costs vary by location. The cost of health insurance in rural areas is generally lower than in urban areas due to the difference in the cost of living.


Age is one of the most significant factors affecting the cost of health insurance. As you age, the likelihood of having health problems increases, resulting in higher premiums.

Health Status:

Your health status also affects the cost of health insurance. If you have pre-existing medical conditions or a history of health problems, you may pay higher premiums.

Tips to Save on Health Insurance Premiums:

Choose the right plan:

Choose a plan that fits your needs and budget. If you're generally healthy, a high deductible plan with lower monthly premiums may be a good option.

Shop around:

Compare plans from different insurance providers to find the best deal. Don't just choose the cheapest plan; make sure it covers your healthcare needs.

Take advantage of discounts:

Many insurance providers offer discounts for healthy lifestyle habits, such as not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, and getting regular check-ups.

Consider a Health Savings Account (HSA):

An HSA is a tax-advantaged savings account that you can use to pay for medical expenses. It can lower your taxable income and help you save on healthcare costs.


Health insurance is essential to protect yourself from high medical costs. The average health insurance cost by age varies significantly, but you can save on premiums by choosing the right plan, shopping around, taking advantage of discounts, and considering an HSA. Understanding the factors that affect health insurance costs can help you make an informed decision when choosing a plan
