
AB Blood Group, Know 5 Interesting Facts Here

AB Blood Group, Know 5 Interesting Facts Here

AB blood type is a rare blood type. This blood group can receive blood transfusions from all other blood types. Apart from that, there are a number of other interesting facts about blood type AB.

In general, blood groups are divided into four types, namely blood group A, blood group B, blood group AB, and blood group O. The blood group determination is based on the presence of proteins or antigens contained in red blood cells, namely antigen A and antigen B.

Blood group type is also known to affect a person's characteristics and risk of developing certain diseases or medical conditions. Therefore, there is also a special blood type diet that is recommended to overcome it.

Various Interesting Facts AB Blood Type

AB blood group is a blood group that has both types of antigens, namely antigen A and antigen B. People who have this blood type are born to parents who have blood type A, blood group B, or group AB.

The following are some interesting facts about the owner of the AB blood type:

1. Rare blood group

As already mentioned, blood type AB is a rare blood group. In Indonesia alone, out of a total of 274 million people, there are only about 3 million people with AB blood type.

Besides being rare, blood type AB is also a universal recipient of blood. This allows the owner of the AB blood type to accept blood donors from people with any blood type.

2. Easy to get along with

According to the Japanese Ketsuekigata personality concept, those with blood type AB may have the combined characteristics of people with blood types A and B.

The strong characteristics of blood type AB include being rational, reliable, and sociable. The drawbacks are that they tend to be forgetful, overly critical, and take a long time to consider options.

However, the relationship between blood type and human nature does not yet have very strong scientific evidence. In addition to biological factors, people's character is also influenced by environmental factors, such as upbringing and association.

3. The risk of heart disease

A study revealed that people with AB blood type have a 23% higher risk of developing heart disease than blood group B and blood type O.

The exact cause is not known for certain, but it is thought to be due to a higher level of inflammation in blood vessels in blood type AB. Even so, heart disease can still be experienced by anyone as they get older, especially when accompanied by an unhealthy lifestyle.

4. Vulnerable to preeclampsia

Women with blood type AB are known to be at risk of experiencing preeclampsia during pregnancy, especially in women who have high blood pressure. This is quite different in women with blood type O who have a lower risk of experiencing preeclampsia.

Even though studies state this, preeclampsia can still be triggered by other risk factors, such as being pregnant over the age of 35, undergoing twin pregnancies, or suffering from diabetes or kidney disease.

5. Need to limit red meat

Owners of blood type AB do not have special restrictions on diet, because they can follow a diet or diet for blood type A and blood type B.

However, people with this blood type must still eat a varied and nutritionally balanced diet and reduce their intake of red meat because it is considered to be at risk of increasing fat in the blood and heart disease.

Some examples of good foods consumed by blood type AB are seafood, green vegetables, tofu, low-fat meat, and milk and its preparations.

AB blood type has characteristics and interesting facts that are quite different from other blood types. This blood type is rare, but can receive blood transfusions from any blood type.

Because it has antigen A and antigen B, the owner of blood type AB may have the same characteristics as blood group A and blood group B. A person with blood type AB can also undergo a diet or diet for blood type A and blood group B.

However, how to maintain health actually does not need to focus too much on differences in blood type. As long as we live a healthy lifestyle, such as eating nutritious food, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep, health can be maintained by itself.

Those are some interesting facts about blood type AB. If you are one of the owners of this blood type and want to find out more about tips for maintaining health that may be related to your blood type or medical conditions, you can consult with your doctor.
