
7 Benefits of Taro Leaves and How to Process It Safely

7 Benefits of Taro Leaves

The nutrients in taro leaves vary, so the benefits of taro leaves for health are very diverse. Even so, avoid making these leaves as fresh vegetables, because taro leaves that have not been cooked or are still raw can contain poison.

Like the tubers, taro leaves can also be processed into various types of dishes, from buntil to stir-fry which can be mixed with other ingredients and various spices to make it taste delicious. Taro leaves taste similar to spinach, but take longer to cook when cooked.

7 Benefits of Taro Leaves and How to Process It Safely

Taro leaves contain many important nutrients, so the benefits of taro leaves for health are very diverse. The following are the nutrients in 100 grams of taro leaves:

  • 1.3 grams of protein
  • 1.6 grams of fiber
  • 519 mg potassium
  • 119 mg calcium
  • 41 mg of phosphorus
  • 7 mg of vitamin C
  • 2 mg of niacin
  • 4 mcg beta carotene
  • 1.5 mg of iron

Benefits of Taro Leaves for Health

There are many benefits of taro leaves for health, namely:

1. Increase endurance

Taro leaves contain protein and vitamin C which are good for boosting the body's immunity. Protein is formed from amino acid compounds that the body uses to make immune cells.

Meanwhile, the role of vitamin C for the body's immunity is to increase the number of white blood cells so that they can protect the body from various kinds of infections. Vitamin C is also able to improve the performance of white blood cells in protecting the body from infection.

2. Overcoming and preventing constipation

Taro leaves are a high-fiber food source, so their consumption can overcome and prevent constipation or constipation. The reason is, adequate fiber intake can soften the stool so that it is easier to remove.

Apart from being contained in taro leaves, fiber can also be found in various types of food, such as beans, edamame, peas, chia seeds, okra, carrots, avocados, and pears.

3. Improve eye health

Consumption of foods that contain beta carotene, such as taro leaves can improve eye health. This is because the body converts beta carotene into vitamin A which is an essential nutrient for healthy eyes.

With sufficient vitamin A requirements, the risk of experiencing dry eyes will be reduced. In fact, the risk of developing macular degeneration at an advanced age can also be minimized.

4. Maintain skin health

Taro leaves contain an amino acid called threonine which is needed to produce elastin and collagen. This certainly makes the consumption of taro leaves beneficial for skin health. With an abundance of elastin, the skin becomes more elastic and firm.

Likewise with collagen. This compound is also needed to maintain the elasticity or firmness of the skin which can decrease with age. Decreased skin elasticity can make the skin look wrinkled.

5. Lose weight

For those of you who are on a diet, consumption of taro leaves can reduce or maintain weight. The benefits of taro leaves can be obtained because taro leaves contain low calories, so they are good to be used as a diet menu.

The fiber and water in taro leaves are also high enough to make you feel full longer. The effect, the desire to eat excessively can be minimized.

6. Minimize the risk of developing osteoporosis

Taro leaves contain calcium, potassium, and phosphorus so that their consumption can improve bone health, even minimizing the risk of developing osteoporosis.

This is because calcium and phosphorus are needed to build and keep bones strong. Meanwhile, potassium is needed to minimize the wasting of calcium through urine when urinating.

7. Improve heart health

Although further research is needed, studies show that consumption of dark green leaves, such as taro leaves, can reduce the risk of heart disease by 16%. However, the benefits of taro leaves will be more optimal if you balance it with the consumption of vegetables and fruit and exercise regularly.

Taro leaves can also improve heart health because they contain high levels of nitrates. Nitrates are needed to control blood pressure and improve heart function.

In addition to minimizing the risk of heart disease, consumption of taro leaves is also believed to reduce the risk of other diseases, such as cancer. However, studies stating these properties are still being developed to see how far the compounds in taro leaves play an active role as anticancer.

How to Process Taro Leaves

To get the benefits of taro leaves, pay attention to how they are processed. You should avoid consuming taro leaves in a raw state. This is because the oxalate content in raw taro leaves is very high, so it can trigger poisoning.

So, cook taro leaves until cooked or soft so that the oxalate content is low or lost so it is safe to consume. The recommended cooking time for taro leaves is 30 minutes for boiled or sautéed taro leaves and 1 hour if processed by baking.

To get rid of the oxalate content to the fullest, you can soak the taro leaves for 30 minutes or overnight before being processed into food.

There are many benefits of taro leaves for health, so it doesn't hurt to include this food ingredient in the dishes to be processed. Make sure you cook the taro leaves according to the recommendations described above so that the taro leaves are safe for consumption and the maximum benefits are obtained.

If you suffer from certain diseases, such as kidney stones, avoid consuming taro leaves because the oxalate content can trigger a recurrence of symptoms. For those who suffer from other medical conditions, you are also advised to consult a doctor before consuming taro leaves.

This is done so that you know the recommended dose of taro leaf consumption, so that the benefits of taro leaves can be obtained and harmful side effects can be avoided.
