
Pay attention to the potential dangers of eating pork and take them into consideration

 Don't ignore the dangers of pork, this is the risk

Pork is pretty much a hit. But be careful, the dangers of pork need to be aware of. Especially if this meat is not processed properly or is consumed excessively.

Apart from protein, the saturated fat content in pork is also very high. That is why, consuming pork too often can cause fat deposits in the body. These fatty deposits will cause high cholesterol levels in the blood, thereby increasing the risk of heart disease.

Avoid the dangers of eating pork in this way 

1. Parasitic infection (worms)

You need to know that eating pork that is still raw or undercooked is very risky of causing parasitic infections. This can occur when pork contains tapeworms and Trichinella spiralis worms which can cause trichinosis.

2. Liver cancer and cirrhosis

Although it still needs further investigation, a study shows a link between eating pork and the emergence of liver disease, especially liver cancer and cirrhosis.

3. Hepatitis E

Hepatitis E infection is usually caused by drinking water that has been contaminated with this virus. In addition, hepatitis E infection can also be caused by eating raw or undercooked pork, especially the liver.

4. Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is caused by an immune system disorder that attacks the protective membranes of the nerves and nerves of the spine. The researchers found a link between eating pork and an increased risk of developing multiple sclerosis.

This link was not found in the consumption of other meats, such as beef or mutton. One reason is because pork may contain prions, which are proteins that can trigger nerve damage and irritation. In addition, consumption of undercooked pork is also at risk of transmitting the nipah virus.

Tips to Avoid the Dangers of Pork

Like other types of meat, pork can be processed in many ways. But to avoid the dangers of pork, pay attention to the following things before you process it:

  • Check the label of pork products before buying. Choose pork products that have legal certification.
  • Wash both hands before processing pork.
  • Choose lean cuts of pork.
  • Avoid frying pork in oil. The frying process will increase the number of calories in pork, because the fat from the oil will be absorbed into the meat.
  • If you eat at a restaurant, choose the pork menu that is boiled, grilled, or grilled, rather than fried.
  • Avoid adding lard to barbecue sauces or meals.
  • Avoid eating raw meat or undercooking it, as this can lead to worm infections and hepatitis.

In 2020, researchers found that many swine flu viruses mutated into a new type of virus called the G4 virus. Although there has been no case report that states that the virus can be transmitted through consumption of pork, it is better if you continue to process pork until it is fully cooked when consuming pork as a preventive measure against the virus.

Choose pork carefully and process according to the suggestions above to avoid the health hazards of pork. One more thing that is no less important, avoid consuming excessive pork.

Consult your doctor if you experience health problems after eating pork, so that treatment can be given immediately.
