
Tips for Obtaining the Most Benefits from Aromatherapy

How to Use Aromatherapy for Maximum Benefits

Aromatherapy is a type of therapy that involves the use of essential oils from plants to improve mood and overall physical and mental health. In addition to being burned, there are many ways to use aromatherapy to obtain maximum benefits, including vapor inhalation, using a diffuser, adding it to a shower or bath, using it in massage, or applying it topically to the skin. 

Some natural herbs and ingredients that can be used in aromatherapy include lavender, cananga, rose, jasmine, mint, lemon, apple, and sage.

To maximize the benefits of aromatherapy, it can be used as an adjunct therapy or alternative therapy. Aromatherapy can be performed at home or found at a beauty center, such as a spa, and may help individuals feel more comfortable overall. 

However, it is important to note that the ability of aromatherapy to prevent or treat diseases has not been definitively proven by experts.

Aromatherapy is believed to work by stimulating the nerves in the nose and brain when essential oil vapors or oils are inhaled. The aroma enters the nasal cavity and stimulates the nervous system in the brain, which plays a role in regulating emotions. Many herbs can be used in aromatherapy, including plants cultivated for their flowers, roots, fruit, and leaves. 

Even herbal plants like kencur and lemongrass can be used in aromatherapy. The aroma of essential oils is believed to stimulate the hypothalamus area in the brain to produce the hormone serotonin, which can improve mood. Aromatherapy may also stimulate the nervous system, which regulates heart rate, blood pressure, response to stress, and breathing. 

When applied topically, the molecules in essential oils can produce certain effects, such as relieving itching on the skin or pain in the joints. However, in some cases, essential oils may cause negative effects, such as irritation or inflammation.

Aromatherapy is thought to have a number of health benefits, according to some studies. These benefits include relaxation, improved sleep, pain relief, stress reduction, fighting bacteria and other microorganisms when applied to the skin, increased immunity, improved digestion, relief of anxiety during childbirth, relief of headaches and migraines, and relief of nausea. 

However, it is important to note that aromatherapy should not be used as the primary treatment for diseases and its effectiveness and safety are still being researched. The benefits listed above should be considered as additional or alternative treatments.

There are several ways to use aromatherapy to obtain its benefits, including:

  • Aromatherapy vapor inhalation: Inhaling aromatherapy vapors, particularly eucalyptus oil, is believed to relieve symptoms of colds and nasal congestion. To do this, mix 1-2 drops of aromatherapy oil in a bowl of warm water, tilt your head over the bowl, and cover your head with a towel. Inhale the steam for 5-10 minutes. Alternatively, you can inhale a cotton bud that has been soaked in 1-2 drops of eucalyptus oil.
  • Using a diffuser: An aromatherapy diffuser is a device that converts aromatherapy oil into steam and releases it into a room. There are various types of diffusers available, including ceramic (furnace) diffusers, candle diffusers, and electric diffusers. It is important to not use an aromatherapy diffuser for extended periods of time, especially if someone in the household is pregnant or has certain medical conditions.
  • Adding it to a shower or bath: Soaking in warm water with a few drops of aromatherapy oil can help reduce stress. You can use oils such as lavender, bergamot, lemongrass, jasmine, rose, thyme, lemon, rosemary, or citrus.
  • Using it in massage: When massaging the body, you can mix aromatherapy oil with massage oil. In addition to relaxing the body, this oil mixture may also help reduce menstrual cramps and relieve menopausal symptoms.
  • Applying it topically to the skin: There are various body care products, such as lotions and scrubs, that contain essential oils. Some essential oils can also be applied directly to the skin to scent the body.

It is important to use caution when using aromatherapy and to be aware of its potential risks. Avoid using aromatherapy oils excessively and make sure to dilute or mix them with other oils to avoid allergies or skin irritation. Do not apply aromatherapy oils to any part of the body that is bruised, rashy, swollen, or injured. If you have certain medical conditions, it is advisable to consult a doctor before using aromatherapy.
